
Five Herbs to Help Curb Your Cravings When Suffering From Addiction

Addiction is one of the hardest battles to face in life and the self control it can take to stay on track with recovery, as well as the toll both addiction and withdrawals can have on the body can lead to cravings that may leave recovery hanging in the balance.

Suffering from drug abuse is difficult to overcome, and taking the first step to treatment can prove difficult in itself. Then the effort and determination that’s needed to go through the treatment process can take serious guts. However, someone who has suffered from addiction, whether it be drug, alcohol or any other form, is always in recovery and those cravings can come at any time.

It’s ensuring no relapses occur that is key to staying on track, avoiding having to start again, and maintaining a new, healthy lifestyle. And quelling those cravings can be aided in a number of ways, including by simply adding some herbs into your diet. But what are the five best herbs that can quell cravings?

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper isn’t for those that don’t enjoy spice, particularly as to quell cravings it’s recommended you eat it raw or powdered. However, it is proven to be useful when suffering from alcohol cravings, and helping with withdrawal symptoms from both alcohol and drugs.

That’s because the pepper can stimulate endorphins and increase metabolism, while also boosting your appetite, meaning your cravings may sway more towards food.

St John’s Wort

St John’s Wort is well known as a herb that can help combat depression and it’s that mood boosting effect it has that can help with reducing alcohol and nicotine cravings, as well as being a useful herb to take to alleviate withdrawal symptoms from drug addiction and in particular opiates.

You can get St John’s Wort in supplement form from most health food shops and pharmacies and is really good to have in your cupboards if you are suffering from addiction.

Kava Kava

Kava Kava can come in a number of forms on the market these days and can be taken in capsule form, as a tincture, or even be added to your tea. It is a calming herb that will help ease anxiety, which can often bring on cravings to numb that pain.

The herb can help combat cravings for drugs, alcohol, nicotine and many other forms of addiction, as ultimately it’ll help clear your mind and feel more relaxed.


Many people can’t stand the taste of liquorice. But to quote Bertie Bassett, it really can help with all sorts. Because liquorice acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it has proven to ease the pain and suffering of alcohol withdrawal, which in turn will limit cravings. The most efficient way to take the herb is usually as a tea - we’re not suggesting you go and buy a packet of sweets.


Ginseng is another that is particularly useful for those suffering with either an opiate or alcohol addiction, and it can be eaten raw, added to tea or even steamed lightly to have an impact on metabolism and the elimination of toxins.

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